T0 lead everyone from Youth and Adults into a growing
relationship with Jesus Christ and His church.
"It's All About HIM"
Our Mission

“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, (which is) your reasonable service.”
Romans 12:1
It is our purpose to encourage and promote holy living throughout the body of Christ. We are blessed to have this ministry at All Nations Worship Ministries (ANWM). We recognize that we are already whole in Christ Jesus and satisfied with God being unto us as a husband or wife until He joins us to our own husband or wife. The Singles Ministry is joined together with unmarried believers to promote love one for another, to help one another, share with one another and far most pray with one another.
Our desire is to provide a vehicle of spiritual growth and accountability for every single person thru participation in activities and communicating on issues singles are challenged and face daily with the desired goal being developing oneness with God and other singles. Eccl 4:9
We will achieve this goal in a variety of ways; through bible studies, fellowships, creative time, community service, and prayer partners. Come join in with what God is doing